Use of Coconut Oil in Beauty and Health Routines

Coconut oil is also used in beauty and health routines

The frenzy surrounding coconut oil is unavoidable. It is being used in baking. With it, they are cooking. They are spreading it on toast and adding it to their coffee. Additionally, they are blending it into their skin, hair, and other areas. Coconut oil seems to be able to do anything!

It doesn't necessarily follow that this oil is healthier than others just because keto enthusiasts use it. When consuming or cooking with coconut oil, you should be aware of its saturated fat level. Coconut oil is heavy in saturated fat, the kind of fat that most experts advise reducing in the diet, like other fats that are solid at room temperature. According to studies, coconut oil contains 90% saturated fat, which is the most common type of fat.

A systematic evaluation of 16 clinical trials, published in 2020, found that using coconut oil raises LDL ("bad") cholesterol more than using nontropical plant oils, despite there being some controversy about how dangerous saturated fat actually is. Consequently, it may increase HDL, a type of cholesterol that protects against heart disease, but it also raises LDL, a type of cholesterol that increases the chance of developing heart disease.

For this reason, the American Heart Association advises limiting your daily intake of saturated fat to 13 grams. The US government estimates that 11 grams of saturated fat are contained in one tablespoon of coconut oil. Agriculture Department Using a lot of coconut oil makes it very simple to reach or go over that limit. Furthermore, it limits the amount of additional saturated fat sources you can include in your diet.

Tieraona Low Dog, MD, an expert in integrative medicine and women's health and the author of Fortify Your Life: Your Guide to Vitamins, Minerals, and More, advises people who consume coconut oil to keep in mind that it should be one of many other types of oils they consume. No need to smother everything with it (it does contain 121 calories per tablespoon, about the same as other oils). Just rotate it with extra virgin olive oil, peanut oil, grapeseed oil, and ghee, she advises.

But even if you use coconut oil sparingly, there are so many other advantages that you might not be able to finish the entire jar! Look at these applications for coconut oil, which range from hair to skin.

1. Using Natural Remedies to Treat Eczema

According to Dr. Low Dog, coconut oil may be helpful in controlling an eczema flare-up. Scratching irritated skin could possibly spread staph bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, which requires antibiotics). Conversely, she notes that "research revealed that using [coconut oil] daily to your skin for a month resulted to a 95% reduction in staph on the skin." Lauric acid, which is abundant in coconut oil and has antibacterial and antifungal properties, helps combat dangerous microorganisms. The barrier of your skin, which serves as your body's first line of protection against infection, may be repaired using its moisturizing properties.

2. As a method of treating acne

Early research suggests coconut oil may be "a reasonable option for patients with mild to moderate dermal infections, especially acne vulgaris caused by P. acnes," in addition to the many other advantages of its antifungal and antimicrobial properties. While coconut oil, like any other, is comedogenic, which means it can clog pores, research has also found it has anti-inflammatory effects, may shield the skin from UV radiation, and may enhance the skin's natural function as a barrier. Therefore, before using it if you have sensitive skin or are prone to acne, get advice from a board-certified dermatologist.

3. To Moisturize

When applied to your skin, coconut oil truly glows. Coconut oil is a fantastic natural hydrator because it doesn't have any added aroma or other potentially irritating additives. "I really like applying it topically. According to Low Dog, the ingredients in coconut oil can safely and effectively replenish skin's hydration. Coconut oil was proven to be equally safe as other oils and to considerably increase skin moisture when applied to skin twice daily for two weeks. Low Dog continues, "You can use coconut oil to reduce the risk of bacterial infections and to soothe irritation and inflammation." Heat some up in your hands after getting out of the shower, then rub it into your legs, the backs of your arms, or any other rough, dry areas of your body.

4. Improved Dental Health

It has helped Low Dog's patients with gum issues or plaque overgrowth to use the oil pulling technique, which involves swishing olive oil around in the mouth. However, you might also want to give coconut oil a shot.

There is some evidence that coconut oil may be advantageous to dental health in general and the oral microbiota in particular, according to the expert. Lauric acid, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that may help prevent the development of dental cavities, may be the cause of the advantages, claims a review article that was published in 2017 in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. While oil pulling cannot take the place of routine dental care, when done appropriately and frequently, it does seem to improve oral cleanliness, according to the review.

5. For genital health

Coconut oil is commonly utilized as a natural lubricant, despite the fact that there is little scientific research on the subject, according to Low Dog. It's advisable to use a water-based lubricant if you're using coconut oil as a natural lubricant during sexual activity because studies have shown that it can cause latex condoms to break down.

Applying a tiny amount of organic refined coconut oil on a small pad before bed helps some women manage vaginal dryness. Low Dog says, "It's very, very hydrating to the vagina." Again, there isn't a ton of data on this application, so talk whole your doctor before using it and perform a patch test beforehand in case you have a negative reaction.

Additionally, preliminary research suggests that Candida, the fungus that causes yeast infections, may be destroyed by the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil. According to an in vitro study, coconut oil may be just as effective in this regard as a common antifungal drug, although more human studies are required. Remember that this research is still in its early phases and that you should consult a doctor before starting any at-home treatments.

6. Avoiding athlete's foot

Athlete's foot may be prevented by the same antifungal properties of coconut oil, notably lauric and caprylic acid. Although preliminary research has showed these chemicals to have encouraging antifungal action, more studies are required to evaluate whether they will be safe and effective for use in people. However, Low Dog advises massaging coconut oil into your feet before bed if you frequently work out in the gym and are concerned about the possibility of developing athlete's foot. Bonus: Applying coconut oil on your feet will help hydrate them, since heels are often prone to dry, cracked skin (cover up with socks because it can be greasy). Remember that wearing shoes or slippers while taking a shower and completely drying your skin before putting on your socks and shoes are the greatest strategies to prevent gym fungal infections.

7. In order to treat hair

According to study, coconut oil can help lower the chance of hair damage when used either before or after washing. When used before and after washing hair, it was the only oil out of three studied to lessen protein loss for both healthy and damaged hair. One rationale is that coconut oil's lauric acid can quickly permeate hair proteins to help shield your locks. Just be careful not to overuse the oil or you can end up appearing oily (even though your mane will be well moisturized).

Recent studies have also suggested that coconut oil may help treat dandruff. Coconut oil may benefit the health of the scalp microbiome, according to a 2021 Scientific Reports study (possibly because of its antifungal, antimicrobial properties). Women who were prone to dandruff who had coconut oil applied to their scalps experienced an increase in microorganisms that were adversely associated to dandruff. The occasional coconut oil hair mask definitely won't hurt, but more research is required.

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