How to Increase and Maintain Collagen in Your Face

Applying sunscreen each morning can help increase and maintain collagen in your face

Less wrinkles and smoother, lifted skin result from increased collagen. Here are several topical treatments, office procedures, and lifestyle modifications you can make right away for a complexion that looks healthier.

You'll hear a lot of talk about "raising collagen" when looking for smooth skin, but what does that actually mean? According to Jennifer Chwalek, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City, "collagen is the principal structural protein in the skin. It acts like scaffolding and gives volume so the skin is smooth and wrinkle-free."

According to board-certified dermatologist Marisa Garshick, MD, of New York City, environmental factors like pollution and sun exposure can break down collagen, increasing the likelihood that you'll see wrinkles looking back at you in the mirror. Age is also a significant influence. Since collagen production declines with age, the skin might appear thinner and have less structural support, which is why people start to feel their skin drooping or sagging, according to the expert.

1. The Gold-Standard Topical Is Retinoids; Include It in Your Routine

Retinoid and retinol are vitamin A compounds that activate the genes needed for collagen synthesis. According to a study that was released in March 2016 in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, "research reveals an improvement in face wrinkles after administering retinol for 12 weeks."

2. If retinoids are too harsh, consider using bakuchiol.

According to a study published in June 2018 in the British Journal of Dermatology, bakuchiol is an all-natural substitute for retinol/retinoid and is believed to promote skin cell turnover to rev up collagen production in a manner comparable to retinol/retinoid with less risk of irritation. Dr. Garshick claims that those with sensitive skin may benefit the most from this.

3. Applying topical vitamin C to protect collagen

Apply a vitamin C serum first thing in the morning. According to Chwalek, the vitamin is an antioxidant that guards against UV ray damage to the collagen in your skin. More than that, she claims, it starts the production of collagen and stabilizes the skin's collagen proteins.

4. Fill with Peptides

According to Paula's Choice, proteins are constructed from short chains of amino acids called peptides. Indeed, prior study has demonstrated this collagen-boosting effect! According to Garshick, peptide-containing products "have been shown to help stimulate collagen and elastin in the skin, enhancing firmness."

5. Apply sunscreen each morning

Sunscreen is essential for preventing skin cancer as well as for maintaining youthful, supple skin. You can start wearing sunscreen at any age, according to Garshick, because UV exposure can cause collagen to break down and cause wrinkles and fine lines to emerge. A broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is advised by the American Academy of Dermatology.

6. Apply sunscreen again as needed throughout the day.

According to Garshick, sunscreen lasts for two hours. In addition to using sunscreen in your daily regimen, she advises reapplying throughout the day, particularly on days with prolonged sun exposure. The Skin Cancer Foundation suggests reapplying sunscreen every two hours, but check the label of your product for specific instructions.

7. Also remember to look below your chin.

Don't neglect the backs of your hands, neck, and chest while applying sunscreen that protects collagen, advises Garshick. "These areas can experience the consequences of cumulative sun damage, as the skin in these areas is thinner and hence more likely to show the indications of aging," she says.

8. Think about consuming collagen supplements

Collagen supplements come in a variety of forms, including powders that you can add to coffee and smoothies. Garshick cites a study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology in January 2019 that states that while further research is needed, preliminary data suggests that these supplements may help boost skin suppleness, hydration, and collagen density.

9. Include lean protein in your meals.

Consume a diet that is well-balanced and contains enough protein. According to Garshick, "high-protein diets include amino acids that are essential for collagen formation." Fish, shellfish, skinless chicken breast, lean beef, and lean pork are all examples of lean protein sources.

10. Reduce your intake of added sugar.

According to Chwalek, a diet high in sugar encourages the development of AGEs, or advanced glycation end products, which degrade collagen. Limit your intake of sugar by reading the ingredient list and the "added sugar" line on the nutrition label on the back of food packages.

11. Buy a lot of produce

According to Harvard University, there are numerous advantages to eating half of your plate of fruits and vegetables, including lowering your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke. To that list, you can now add skin health: "Eating a diet high in antioxidants [through fruits and vegetables] will help to stave off free radical damage that degrades collagen," claims Chwalek.

12. Put on a Hat to Block the Rays of the Sun

In accordance with the Skin Cancer Foundation, wearing a wide-brimmed hat will protect your face, scalp, and neck from the sun's harmful rays. Select a hat with a brim that is at least 3 inches wide and is made of a densely woven cloth.

13. Sport Sunglasses to Guard Your Eyes

Put on sunglasses to prevent crow's feet from developing. UV rays cannot enter through the sides thanks to wraparound sunglasses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, even inexpensive sunglasses will shield users from UVA and UVB rays

14. Avoid smoking, and if you do, stop.

There are many ways that smoking ages your skin. Smoking reduces the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the skin. Additionally, it generates damaging free radicals that deplete the skin's antioxidants and harm collagen and elastin fibers, according to Chwalek. In the end, this accelerates the onset of wrinkles, and prior studies have shown that the habit prematurely ages your skin.

15. Consider a chemical peel.

One of the various choices to in-office anti-aging treatments is a chemical peel. According to Garshick, these promote collagen production by applying hydroxy acids (such glycolic acid), which in turn boost skin cell turnover. According to her, patients "see immediate benefits from them" since chemical peels can enhance tone, texture, and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

16. Consult Your Dermatologist About Additional Office Procedures

Identify your suitability for a resurfacing laser, radiofrequency therapy, microneedling, intense pulsed light, Juvederm/Restylane, or Radiesse with the help of your dermatologist. The outward signs of aging can be treated with the help of these treatments, which stimulate collagen formation. Over time, patients report that their skin seems more equal and smooth, according to Chwalek.

17. Concentrate on Stress-Relieving Methods

Previous studies have shown that stress accelerates skin aging by causing inflammation and weakening the body's capacity for self-healing. Keep a list of stress-relieving techniques handy for when life becomes too much.

18. Move forward

Your body, mind, and skin stay young when you exercise. Exercise is yet another crucial element in delaying the aging process, according to Chwalek. Additionally, according to the Mayo Clinic, exercising regularly is a proven method of reducing stress.

19. Reduce alcohol intake

The results of a survey published in The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology in August 2019 show that alcohol reduces skin's capacity to create collagen and its natural antioxidant defense system (leaving it more susceptible to injury). Lines and wrinkles are more prevalent in people who drink eight or more alcoholic beverages each week.

20. Get some beauty sleep.

Maintaining a regular sleep pattern may aid in collagen renewal, according to study on mice published in Nature Cell Biology in January 2020, albeit further human studies are required. Adults should aim to get 7 to 9 hours of (literal) beauty sleep each night, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

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